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Youth Accommodation Services

Aboriginal Youth Crisis Accommodation


Aboriginal Youth Crisis Accommodation service (AYCA) provides crisis accommodation to young Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people between the ages of 15 and 25 who are at risk of, or who are, homeless. Clients are assisted with practical day to day supports including obtaining identification and securing Australian Government entitlements through Centrelink and opening up bank accounts.


Where are the services?

There are 2 services, one for young women (and may also include their children) and one for young
men. Olga Fudge Lodge is located at Westbourne Park while Narungga House is located in  Somerton Park.


Olga Fudge Lodge is for young women between the ages of 15 and 25 (with capacity for young women to keep their children with them in the service) who are homeless, or who are at risk of becoming homeless if they cannot find accommodation.


Narungga House is for young Aboriginal men who are homeless, or who are at risk of becoming homeless if they cannot find accommodation.


Youth Workers

The service employs Youth Support Workers who are committed and passionate about supporting young Aboriginal people to achieve their full potential. This includes engaging with, and actively encouraging young people to fully participate in the daily routines of running a household such as cleaning, menu planning and shopping and budgeting. There is a strong focus on equipping young people with the skills they need to live independently when they move on from crisis accommodation.


Case Management

Case management services for clients are provided by the Toward Home Alliance through Baptist
Care SA with AFSS Youth Support Workers working closely with Baptist Care in the delivery of case
management services to young Aboriginal people.


Training, Education and Employment

Youth Support Workers engage with the young people in the service and assist them with their daily routines including participation in education, training and employment.


Social, Cultural and Sporting Opportunities

Youth Support Workers also facilitate client’s access to social, cultural and sporting opportunities during their stay. This includes facilitating in-house and external activities that engage clients in activities, programs and events that increase their social and cultural connections and supports.


Moving on from crisis accommodation

During their stay at Olga Fudge Lodge or Narungga House, clients are assisted to navigate the housing sector with a focus on securing transitional or longer term housing so they can move on from crisis accommodation as quickly as possible. This process is led by the client’s Case Worker with support from AFSS Youth Support Workers.


Would you like to find out more?

If you would like to know more about AYCA, you can contact:

Nick Ward - Manager, Aboriginal Youth Crisis Accommodation
0409 993 444




SAHA feedback and complaints process

You are able to provide feedback directly to the South Australian Housing Authority. To do this, please click here.

Copyright  ©  2020 Aboriginal Family Support Services

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