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Service Excellence at AFSS


Three years ago, AFSS was awarded accreditation at Certificate level in the SA-based Quality framework, Service Excellence, following an exhaustive assessment process. Since that time, the quality framework has expanded to become a national framework and is now called the Australian Service Excellence Standards.


AFSS’ certification was current for three years and we commenced work back in May 2014 on collecting the evidence and conducting the self-assessment in preparation for a reassessment in
March 2015.


The framework includes assessment against eight standards, which are:

  • Planning

  • Governance

  • Financial & Contract Management

  • People

  • Partnerships

  • Communication

  • Service Outcomes

  • Consumer Outcomes


The assessment process involved an external assessor spending four days with AFSS reviewing the evidence provided, visiting sites to see our operations first-hand and holding discussions with funding bodies, staff, clients and other service providers.


The assessor noted that stakeholders, staff and clients described AFSS’ key strengths as:

  • Reconnection to culture and country

  • Extensive experience in strengthening Aboriginal families

  • Strong ties with Aboriginal communities

  • Holistic approach

  • Committed Board members

  • Leadership in the sector and within the organisation

  • Staff experience, teamwork and passion


AFSS is delighted to advise that we achieved 100% in our assessment, resulting in a recommendation that our accreditation be extended for a further three years. This is testament to the passion and efforts of our staff and we are all very proud these efforts have been recognised with this nationally-recognised accreditation.


More information on Australian Service Excellence Standards can be found here.

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