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Residential care services

Residential Care

This service provides residential care for children and young people who are unable to live with their parents and are under the Guardianship or Custody of the Minister. Residential Care (previously known as Crisis Accommodation Service) is funded by the Department of Education and Child Development. Its goal is to provide safe, secure, stable and culturally appropriate out-of-home short term emergency accommodation for children, from birth to 17 years of age. Priority is given to Aboriginal children and young people, however, children and young people from non-Aboriginal backgrounds may also be placed through the program. Referrals are received from the Department for Child Protection. Whilst the children are being cared for within Residential Care, the Department for Child Protection endeavours to find appropriate kinship carers/foster parents/carers as required in the Children's Protection Act, 1993.


What the program offers

Residential Care provides a 24 hour service made up of three rotating shifts a day in a regular home and within a typical family environment.


The houses are each staffed by Support Workers, who are responsible to the Coordinator. Support Workers provide a friendly, safe and secure family environment for children and young people who are unable to be placed with a foster care family.


The Support Workers, in collaboration with the Department for Child Protection, facilitate the development of the children in education, health, hygiene and age-appropriate independent living skills. A whole range of activities is provided for the children, including sport, arts and crafts, music, games and many recreational and community based activities, such as fishing, picnics, outings and events. The children are encouraged to be involved in the planning of weekly menus, activities and other household decisions.


Once a suitable placement has been found for a child the staff, in partnership with the Department for Child Protection, support and ensure a smooth transition to their new placement.


Service areas

The program has houses in the Adelaide metropolitan area, Ceduna and Port Lincoln.


Want to find out more?

Email au or phone (08) 8205 1500.

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