Aboriginal Family Support Services
Together with the community
Your privacy is important to us!
Information will only be collected if it is lawful, fair and necessary to assist you and AFSS in working together. You have the right to know what will be done with your personal information and who will have access to it.
If you choose not to give certain information, then you will be advised of the possible consequences of withholding that information. This could include not being able to receive the information or service requested.
Information collected will include: age, name, date of birth, phone number, address, gender and could include legal, medical, financial and other personal information according to the nature of the service provided. In addition, AFSS does not pass personal information to parties overseas.
Information will only be used or disclosed for the purpose for which it was collected. AFSS will not release personal information without your consent unless information sharing guidelines apply. Any data collected for reporting purposes will not contain information which would identify you.
AFSS data and personal information is kept secure and electronic information is secured via passwords. No personal information is accessible via the internet. Everyone who has access to information is bound by confidentiality obligations.
Upon completing the appropriate form, you will have access to their personal information held by AFSS unless AFSS is legally bound not to provide it. When we are unable to provide access, we will give you the reason why in writing within 30 days of the request.
You also have the right to correct or amend any information AFSS holds about you.
If you wish to make a complaint about a possible breach of privacy, where access to your information has been denied, or you believe your information has not been amended as you have requested, please contact:
The Privacy Officer
Aboriginal Family Support Services Inc
(08) 8205 1500
(during business hours)
or post your complaint to:
The Privacy Officer
Aboriginal Family Support Services Inc
134 Waymouth Street
Adelaide SA 5000
Aboriginal Family Support Services Inc (AFSS) respects your privacy. We recognise the importance of safeguarding your privacy and we're committed to complying with the National Privacy Principles (NPPs), which set the standard for how personal information should be dealt with. These principles are found in the Privacy Act 1988 as amended.
AFSS's Privacy Officer is responsible for ensuring compliance with the NPPs for every
operation or function of AFSS where personal information is collected. The Privay Officer
also and conducts an annual privacy audit.
You can also provide your complaint on the form below. ​Please fill out the "Subject" and "Message" fields to ensure that we can assist you.