Aboriginal Family Support Services
Together with the community
Aboriginal Gambling Help Service
AFSS Gambling Help Service recognises the need in the community to support Aboriginal people and their significant others, where gambling has become, or is potentially developing, into a problem.
AFSS also recognises that education and awareness are fundamental in supporting Aboriginal people who have gambling problems.
This can only be effectively achieved within the broader context of educating families and communities, agencies, clubs and hotels.
The following strategies provide the overall framework for AFSS Gambling Help Service. They are integrated elements that guide the work of the program, providing flexibility to respond to the changing needs of individuals and the community.
Building resilience
Promoting connectedness
Awareness and education
Our workshops provide a better understanding of gambling related issues:
Problem Gambling – provides an overview to help understand the types of
gambling, its impacts and what we can do
Stop the chase – dispels the common beliefs and develops a realistic
Deadly choices – identifies warning signs and looks at ways the gambler can take positive steps to overcome the urge or need to gamble
What am I really gambling with? – explores gambling effects on self and others. Looks at supports and strategies
Gambling and the workplace – raises awareness of the issues with employers and employees and explores helpful strategies
Problem gambling for Aboriginal people –helps hotels and clubs understand the gambling issues facing Aboriginal people
You can download our client information brochure here.
Service areas
The program provides services across the Riverland, Murraylands, Port Lincoln and Port Augusta. Each region has a dedicated worker with a strong local connection and knowledge of community.
Want to find out more?
Email afss@afss.com.au, phone (08) 8205 1500, or check out www.problemgambling.sa.gov.au