Aboriginal Family Support Services
Together with the community
We want to hear from you!
At AFSS it’s important to us that we know what you think about us and our services. So we invite you to give us some feedback or comment on our work.
Your feedback helps us improve our services to you!
To provide general feedback or make comment about our services, please use the message box on the right, or else give your feedback to one of our staff members.
If you have a complaint AFSS will respond in a fair and open manner to reach a positive outcome. The Manager Human Resources will forward your letter to the appropriate manager, or may follow up your complaint personally.
You can ask our staff for help with your complaint if you wish. A manager will respond within 14 days. They will investigate your complaint and will keep you informed throughout the process. The manager will not lay blame or be defensive regarding your complaint, and your confidentiality will be maintained.
You’ll be informed of the outcome and if you’re not happy your complaint will then be referred to the CEO who will in turn contact you within 14 days.
You also have the right to discuss any complaint with the Health and Community Services Complaints Commissioner (HCSCC), phone (08) 8226 8666 or 1800 232 007
(country SA toll free).
If you wish to make a complaint by mail, please write "Confidential" on the envelope and addess it to:
The Privacy Officer
Aboriginal Family Support Services Inc
134 Waymouth Street
Adelaide SA 5000
You can also provide your feedback or complaint on the form below.