Aboriginal Family Support Services
Together with the community
Your job application
You'll find the following information helpful when applying to work at AFSS
Your application is your best opportunity to make a good first impression!
By addressing the requirements of the Job and Person Specification you'll enhance your chance of being selected for an interview. If you don't, you may not be further considered for the job.
The Job and Person Specification (or Duty Statement) tells you about the job - the skills, experience, knowledge and qualifications we expect someone to have to be able to perfom the role effectively. You need to tell us how your background and experience will enable you to do this, and how what you've already done is relevant to what we're looking for.
Your skills, experience etc can be direct or transferrable attributes, but you need to tell us how they're relevant.
You also need to provide us with a copy of your CV or Resume. This should include details of at least two, but preferably three referees, who are either current or recent line managers/supervisors.
The job advertisement will tell you how to send in your application to AFSS.
By following these simple guidelines you will greatly enhance your chances of an interview. We look forward to hearing from you!