Aboriginal Family Support Services
Together with the community

Becoming an AFSS foster carer
AFSS is currently seeking compassionate people to become foster carers; people who are able to provide long term, short-term, emergency and respite care for children and young people who are unable to live with their families.
The number of Aboriginal children coming into contact with the child protection system is increasing at a much faster rate than the recruitment of Aboriginal families, however AFSS and Families SA are committed to placing Aboriginal children and young people with carers who share their cultural background.
The reason for this is to enhance and preserve Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children and young people’s sense of identity, by ensuring they are maintained within their own biological family, extended family, local community and culture.
Foster carers can be single people or couples, with or without children already in the home, and can be working or studying.
AFSS carers must support the child’s or young person’s cultural connections by maintaining their contact with birth family and extended family. It is always the goal for children in foster care to be returned to the care of their own family. This is called reunification.
You don’t have to be Aboriginal to be an AFSS foster carer. See the FAQs for more information. Or why not contact us to find out more?
The assessment process
The assessment process to become a carer can take between 5-6 months to complete. You’ll undergo a series of
assessment interviews, mandated training and police clearance checks.
The mandated training includes Shared Stories Shared Lives, Apply First Aid, Child Safe Environment and Infant Safe training, and is funded by AFSS as your supporting agency.
AFSS works with you to make this process as smooth as possible. AFSS also provides opportunities, once you’re registered, to increase your knowledge in areas that may assist you in caring for a child.
Find out more
How do we support our carers?
Every carer has a dedicated Carer Support Worker (CSW) offering ongoing support
Ongoing formal training opportunities and carer information sessions
Regional support groups and networks
Payments in recognition of the costs associated in looking after the child or young person. See the FAQs for more details.